Effects of sugar on human health
As we saw in the first part of this series, for all of human history, the natural sugars in fruits, vegetables and other plants have served us well. They have provided essential fuel for our body’s most important processes. But now that sugars have been processed into more potent forms and added to so many foods and drinks — sodas, candies, breakfast cereals, salad dressings, breads — most of us are getting more sugar than our bodies were meant to handle and this excess consumption of these added sugars can increase the risk of health problems. As the debate regarding the role of added and free sugars in physiological and neurological health is ongoing, in this review I will address the several key issues around it and I will present the facts regarding the role of sugars in human health and some predominant theories on mechanisms of action.
First of all, let’s start with some definitions. Added sugars refer to sugars that are added in food preparation or manufacturing, such as glucose, fructose, sucrose (a sugar molecule made from glucose and fructose combined), and hydrogenated starch hydrolysates (High Fructose Corn Syrup - HFCS). “Free sugars”, according to the The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) include all sugars that are naturally present in foods as honey, fruit juices, and syrups. This is generally not considered to include sugars found within the cellular structure of foods, such as in dairy foods, fruits and vegetables or the carbohydrates found in nuts, cereal grains etc which they are naturally present and for the purpose of this review, I will call them “natural sugars” . When we add free sugars, added sugars and natural sugars we get the “Total sugars”.
The roots of the modern discussion on sugar and disease can be traced to the early 1670s, when sugar first began flowing into England from its Caribbean colonies (and this, of course, was not a coincidence) and the habit of drinking sugared tea was becoming common. Thomas Willis, medical adviser to the duke of York and King Charles II, noted an increase in the prevalence of diabetes in the affluent (and overweight) patients of his practice. “The pissing evil,” he called it, and became the first European physician to diagnose the sweet taste of diabetic urine as “wonderfully sweet like sugar or honey” (1) .
In 1865, Abel Jordāo, a professor at the Medical School of Lisbon and a leading European authority on diabetes, suggested that the ability of sugar to put fat on the lean might explain the association between obesity and diabetes. Whereas most physicians would come to think that obesity caused diabetes, Abel proposed that a kind of pre-diabetic state, caused by consuming too much sugar, could in turn cause obesity. If animals were fattened by being given sugars and starches, he reasoned, then it made sense that humans got fat when they had too much sugar in their circulation, which was the case in diabetes (1) .
In 1916, Harold Higgins, working at the Carnegie Institute of Washington, measured how quickly our bodies metabolize these different sugars—how quickly, in effect, they give us energy; back then this was considered to be the “nutritive value” of the food. Higgins reported that we metabolize fructose and sucrose more quickly than other sugars (2) . This finding would be the biochemical basis of the idea that sugar provides “quick energy,” as the sugar industry would later advertise. Higgins’s laboratory research also confirmed the observation that sugar had what the British physician Willoughby Gardner, writing in the British Medical Journal in 1901, would call “unexpected stimulating properties” (2) . This observation distinguished sugar from other carbohydrates and suggested that it was, literally, a stimulant—the late-nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century version of a performance-enhancing drug.
By the early decades of the twentieth century, in medical journals and in newspapers, physicians could be found blaming sugar for a host of ills that seemed to come about with the dramatic increase of its consumption. Diabetes would get the most attention, as awareness spread of an apparent diabetes epidemic. Rheumatism, heart disease gallstones, jaundice, liver disease, inflammation, gaseous indigestion, sleeplessness, tooth decay, ulcers and intestinal diseases, neurological disorders (or at least “nervous instability”), cancer, were all blamed on sugar, and for an obvious reason (2) .
Studies continued investigating the impact of sugar consumption on human health since the mid-20th century. However, from the 60s onwards there was a continued push back regarding the role sugar plays in physical, neurological, and cognitive health , mainly due to the resistance of the powerful Sugar Industry lobby (in USA and Europe) which followed a well-known pattern of actions since the “Tobacco-wars”:
Cast doubt on science linking sugars to poor health, resist regulation, fund front groups and manage the media, spread misinformation, deploy industry scientists, influence academics—and be sure to fund your own research (3) .
Nutritionists started to blame our chronic ills on virtually any other element of the diet or environment—on fats and cholesterol, on protein and meat, on gluten and glycoproteins, growth hormones and estrogens and antibiotics, on the absence of fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and surely on the presence of salt, on processed foods in general, on overconsumption and sedentary behavior—BEFORE admitting that it’s even possible that sugar is playing a detrimental role in human health (3) .
In 1964, top sugar executive John Hickson planned to use forged science to change sugar’s image. Several researchers had started to expose a link between high sugar consumption and heart disease. Other scientists were countering that research with studies into saturated fat and cholesterol. Hickson paid Harvard researchers the equivalent of $49,000 in today’s money to discredit the anti-sugar campaign’s research and to exonerate sugar (3) .
The scientists reported that the evidence against sugar was lacking and that the case against saturated fat was stronger. The New England Journal of Medicine, which didn’t require scientists to declare funding sources until 1984, published their findings.
A team of researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, which was led by Anahad O’Connor , recently discovered the paper trail of influence and evidence of bribes to scientists by the Sugar Research Foundation to exonerate sugar and divert attention to saturated fat as a cause of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in 1967, and to divert attention away from sugar as a cause of dental caries in 1971 (4) . One of the researchers, D. Mark Hegsted, later assisted in developing an early version of the US dietary guidelines. The guidelines, which remained largely unchanged for decades, linked saturated fat to heart disease. Health experts responded then by telling people to eat less fat.
So, from the 1980s onward, manufacturers of products replaced fat calories with sugar, to make them more palatable of course, and advertised them as uniquely healthy and often disguising the sugar under one or more of the fifty-plus names by which the fructose-glucose combination of sugar and high-fructose corn syrup might be found (3) . Fat was removed from candy bars, sugar added or at least kept, so that they became health-food bars. Fat was removed from yogurts and sugars were added, and these became heart-healthy snacks, breakfasts, and lunches. It was as though the entire food industry had decided, or its numerous focus groups had sent the message, that if a product wasn’t sweetened at least a little, our modern palates would reject it as inadequate and we would purchase instead a competitor’s version that was (3) . The world switched to low-fat, high-sugar foods in what some experts now see as the start of the current obesity (and diabetes) problem.
Sugar and Disease
So, let’s have a look on the relation of sugar with the most serious non-communicable chronic diseases (NCDs). NCDs are chronic and largely preventable conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, cancer, hypertension, that account for around 74% of deaths globally and place an enormous financial burden on healthcare services and households (5) . Many lifestyle factors such as weight, diet, physical activity, and substance use are contributing to the burden of these preventable diseases, with the biggest factor being obesity.
Obesity is an increasing global health concern, occurring in 13% of the world’s population, and is considered a major risk factor for almost all NCDs as we commented, but also mortality, and reduced quality of life (5). Although obesity is a multifactorial condition, sugars have been long spotlighted as a key contributor to its prevalence. Therefore, understanding the process by which ingested sugars are broken down and then converted to fat and stored in the human body is of utmost importance to appreciate the harm that excess sugar consumption can cause:
Dietary sucrose(sugar) comprises of two molecules: glucose and fructose. Although glucose is often called the ‘energy of life’ and all eukaryotic cells can burn it for energy, we do not need to consume it because the liver can convert amino acids and the glycerol backbone of fatty acids to glucose (gluconeogenesis). This is why we can maintain normal glucose homeostasis while fasting for weeks at a time (6) . Fructose, however, is unnecessary for any biochemical reaction in eukaryotic cells; there is no biological requirement and it has no nutritional value other than energy.
Following ingestion of sucrose, it moves down the esophagus into the stomach where there is minimal digestion. In the small intestine the majority of digestion is completed where the monosaccharides fructose and glucose are formed. These sugars are then transported via channels to epithelial cells of the small intestine and ultimately to blood vessels. Fructose and glucose leave blood vessels and enter hepatic or non-hepatic tissue respectively. Unlike glucose, which is utilized by various tissues for energy, fructose will play a significant role in the process of lipogenesis, specifically de novo lipogenesis (DNL) — the metabolic pathway through which the body converts carbohydrates into fatty acids and it is taking place primarily in the liver. Moreover, fructose has minimal impact on insulin and leptin levels, hormones that help regulate hunger and fat storage. As a result, the body doesn't receive signals to slow down energy intake or fat synthesis, further promoting lipogenesis (7) .
The increased rate of DNL induced by fructose is thought to contribute to the pathogenesis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, a common condition often associated with the metabolic syndrome and consequent insulin resistance and hypertriglyceridemia.
Fructose can yield greater amounts of fat when consumed in larger quantities than glucose and they have different regional adipose distribution: fructose promotes lipid deposition in visceral adipose tissue, while glucose favors subcutaneous adipose tissue deposition (7) . I remind you that visceral fat is detrimental for human health while subcutaneous fat (if in normal ranges) may actually even be a protective tissue (8) .
The evidence for the role of sugar on obesity appears to be even stronger when investigating the impacts of sugar sweetened beverages (SSB), as opposed to total sugar intake or other forms of carbohydrate.
Numerous studies have been conducted, with multiple systematic reviews and meta-analyses concluding that SSB consumption promotes weight gain (9) . Sucrose and high-fructose corn syrup from SSBs are the major source of fructose in our diets, which are thought to have a more detrimental impact on physical and neurological health given the unique way they are metabolised in the body.
Is sugar addictive?
So far, we have established that sugar is offering empty calories, meaning it provides energy without any significant nutrients like vitamins, minerals, fiber, or protein and that there is a mechanism that converts the excessive amount of sugar in our body to fat storage. What could make things even worse, would be sugar having addictive properties, making it difficult for humans to control its ingest. Well, thanks to numerous studies it is confirmed that sugar consumption triggers the release of dopamine in the brain, reinforcing the desire to consume more sugar. Over time, this can lead to a cycle of cravings, overconsumption, and calorie surplus, driving weight gain. More specifically, after studies on rats, there have been observed behavioral and neurochemical similarities between the effects of intermittent sugar access and drugs of abuse (10) .
It has been suggested that sugar, as common as it is, nonetheless meets the criteria for a substance of abuse and may be “addictive” for some individuals when consumed in a “binge-like” manner (11) . This conclusion is reinforced by the changes in our limbic system neurochemistry that are similar for the drugs and for sugar. The effects we observe are smaller in magnitude of course than those produced by drug of abuse such as cocaine or morphine; however, the fact that these behaviors and neurochemical changes can be elicited with a natural reinforcer is compelling. It is not clear from this animal model if intermittent sugar access can result in neglect of social activities as required by the definition of dependency in the DSM-IV-TR (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). Nor is it known whether rats will continue to self-administer sugar despite physical obstacles, such as enduring pain to obtain sugar, as some rats do for cocaine (10) .
Nonetheless, the extensive series of experiments revealing similarities between sugar-induced and drug-induced behavior and neurochemistry, gives credit to the concept of “sugar addiction”, gives precision to its definition, and provides a testable model (12) .
But if we set aside for a while the argument for sugar addiction, sugar cravings in general do seem to be hard-wired in our brains, which means that humans have evolved into having a “sweet tooth”. Children certainly respond to it instantaneously, from birth (if not in the womb) onward (2) . Jacob Steiner studied and photographed the expressions of newborn infants given a taste of sugar water even before they had received breast milk or any other nourishment. The result, he wrote, was “a marked relaxation of the face, resembling an expression of satisfaction, often accompanied by a slight smile, which was almost always followed by an eager licking of the upper lip, and sucking movements” . When Steiner repeated the experiment with a bitter solution, the newborns spit it out (13) .
This raises the question of why humans evolved these requiring intricate receptors on the tongue and the roof of the mouth, and down into the esophagus, that will detect the presence of even minute amounts of sugar and then signal this taste via nerves extending up into the brain’s limbic system. Nutritionists usually answer by saying that in nature a sweet taste signaled either calorically rich fruits or even mother’s milk itself (because of the lactose, a relatively sweet carbohydrate, which can constitute up to 40% of the calories in breast milk). Therefore, the existence of such a highly sensitive system inside our bodies for distinguishing such foods and differentiating them from the tastes of poisons, which are recognised as bitter, would be a distinct evolutionary advantage.
All of this is speculation, however, as is the notion that it was the psychoactive aspects of sugar consumption that provided the evolutionary advantage.
The actual research literature (apart from the experiments on rodents) on the question of whether sugar is addictive and thus a nutritional variation on a drug of abuse is sadly sparse. Until the1970s and for the most part since then, mainstream authorities have not considered this question to be particularly relevant to human health. The very limited research that I presented here, allows us to describe what happens when rats consume sugar, but we’re not them and they’re not us.
The critical experiments are rarely if ever done in humans, and certainly not children, for the obvious ethical reasons: we can’t compare how they respond to sugar, cocaine, and heroin, for instance, to determine which is more addictive.
Nevertheless, what we are sure about from fMRI scans on humans, is that sugar does induce the same responses in the region of the brain known as the “reward center”—technically, the nucleus accumbens—as do nicotine, cocaine, heroin, and alcohol. Addiction researchers have come to believe that behaviours required for the survival of a species—specifically, eating and sex—are experienced as pleasurable in this part of the brain, and so we do them again and again. Sugar stimulates the release of the same neurotransmitters—dopamine in particular—through which the potent effects of these other drugs are mediated (2) . Because drugs work this way, humans have learned how to refine their active substance into concentrated forms that heighten the rush.
Brain responses to glucose and fructose ingestion show a distinctly different pattern. Glucose reduced blood flow and activity in brain regions that control appetite and reward (shown in blue at left). In contrast, appetite and reward regions remained active after fructose ingestion but activity in memory and sensory perception (shown in blue at right) was suppressed. These images represent composite data from 20 healthy adult volunteers (14) . (Yale University Photo)
Coca leaves, for instance, are mildly stimulating when chewed, but powerfully addictive when refined into cocaine; even more so taken directly into the lungs when smoked as crack cocaine. Sugar, too, has been refined from its original form to heighten its rush and concentrate its effects, albeit as a nutrient that provides energy as well as a chemical that stimulates pleasure in the brain. The more we use these substances, the less dopamine we produce naturally in the brain, and the more habituated our brain cells become to the dopamine that is produced, with final result the decline of the number of dopamine receptors (14) . The result is a phenomenon known as dopamine down-regulation: we need more of the drug to get the same pleasurable response, while natural pleasures, such as sex and eating, please us less and less. The question, though, is what differentiates a substance that works in the reward center to trigger an intense experience of pleasure and yet isn’t addictive, and one that happens to be both. Does sugar cross that line ?
Well, rats given sweetened water in experiments find it significantly more pleasurable than cocaine, even when they’re addicted to the latter, and more than heroin as well, although the rats find this choice more difficult to make (10). Addict a rat over the course of months to intravenous boluses of cocaine, as the French researcher Serge Ahmed has reported, and then offer it the choice of a sweet solution or its daily cocaine fix, and the rat will switch over to the sweets within two days (11) .
The choice of sweet taste over cocaine, Ahmed reports, may come about because neurons in the brain’s reward circuitry that respond specifically to sweet taste outnumber those that respond to cocaine fourteen to one; this general finding has been replicated in monkeys (2) .
So, to sum up everything, here’s a detailed breakdown of how sugar contributes to obesity:
1. Excess Calorie Intake
- High Caloric Density: Sugary foods and beverages are calorie-dense but lack satiety, leading people to consume more calories without feeling full.
- Liquid Calories: Sugary drinks, like sodas and fruit juices, don’t suppress hunger as effectively as solid foods, causing additional calorie consumption.
- Overeating: Frequent sugar consumption can lead to overeating due to its impact on hunger-regulating hormones (see below).
2. Disrupted Hormonal Balance
- Leptin Resistance:
- Leptin is the hormone responsible for signaling satiety and regulating energy balance.
- Chronic overconsumption of sugar, particularly fructose, may contribute to leptin resistance, making it harder for the body to recognize when it’s full, leading to overeating.
- Insulin Resistance:
- Excess sugar consumption spikes insulin levels, which facilitates fat storage. Over time, cells may become resistant to insulin, exacerbating weight gain and increasing the risk of type 2 diabetes.
- Impact on Ghrelin:
- Sugar consumption may suppress ghrelin (the hunger hormone) less effectively than balanced meals, leading to continued hunger.
3. Fructose and Fat Storage
- Unique Metabolism of Fructose:
- Unlike glucose, which is used as energy throughout the body, fructose is metabolized primarily in the liver.
- Excess fructose is converted into triglycerides (fat), contributing to visceral fat accumulation and conditions like non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).
- Increased Lipogenesis (Fat Production):
- A high intake of fructose encourages de novo lipogenesis, a process where the liver converts sugar into fat (DNL).
4. Addictive Properties of Sugar
- Dopamine Release:
- Sugar consumption triggers the release of dopamine in the brain, reinforcing the desire to consume more sugar.
- Over time, this can lead to a cycle of cravings, overconsumption, and calorie surplus, driving weight gain.
5. Promotes Fat Storage
- Insulin’s Role in Fat Storage:
- Insulin helps store excess sugar as glycogen, but when glycogen stores are full, it converts the remaining sugar into fat.
- Frequent sugar spikes lead to higher insulin levels, promoting increased fat storage.
6. Crowding Out Nutrient-Dense Foods
- Empty Calories:
- Sugary foods replace nutrient-rich foods, reducing the overall quality of the diet.
- This contributes to a lack of nutrients that help regulate metabolism and energy balance, making weight management more challenging.
7. Encourages Sedentary Behavior
- Energy Crashes:
- Sugar consumption often leads to rapid blood sugar spikes followed by crashes, causing fatigue and reduced motivation for physical activity.
- Cycle of Consumption and Inactivity:
- This can create a cycle where high sugar intake and low physical activity reinforce each other, promoting weight gain.
Sugar contributes to obesity through multiple mechanisms, including increasing calorie intake, altering hormones that regulate appetite and fat storage, and promoting fat accumulation. While occasional sugar consumption is unlikely to cause significant harm, excessive and frequent intake—particularly from sugary drinks and processed foods—poses a major risk for obesity, and subsequently for any other chronic disease and various others ill conditions that I will present in the 3rd and last part of this series.
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